Saturday Club

A fun social group where children can participate in exciting outings around the Illawarra, as well as fun in-centre activities.

A great way to enjoy the community and make friends. 

Meet at KidsWish House, Flinders

Saturday 10:00am – 2:00pm during school term 

Held at various locations

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Facilitator: Beth Moore

Cert IV in Individual Disability Support Work. Epilepsy, medication, and behavioural issues training. Has worked as a disability support worker and facilitated programs since 2015.

What do you love about Saturday Club?
I love our Saturday Club as I have had the privilege to watch the kids form some wonderful friendships. As children first start the program, they are a little more held back, but as time goes on and the more outings they go on, they really form some beautiful relationships. We are all about having fun and inclusion and that’s what I love most about it!


Attendance at Saturday Club is free for children with a disability or illness.

Children are divided into 4 groups and will be on a rotation (see activity schedule)

Children are supported by disability support workers from The Disability Trust at a ratio of 1:3. Children requiring 1:1 support can also be accommodated. Please discuss when onboarding. 

All activities and food are at own expense.

Registered children can be dropped off at 10am and picked up at 2pm from KidsWish House.

Children will be transported by bus to the scheduled activity. 

Due to demand and limited capacity, siblings do not generally attend Saturday Club.

Term 1 Activity Schedule*

15 February (Group A) – Illawarra Inflatable Play Centre

22 February (Group B) – Illawarra Inflatable Play Centre

1 March (Group C) – Illawarra Inflatable Play Centre

8 March (Group D) – Illawarra Inflatable Play Centre

15 March (Group A) – Flip Out, Albion Park

22 March (Group B) – Flip Out, Albion Park

29 March (Group C) – Flip Out, Albion Park

5 April (Group D) – Flip Out, Albion Park

* Activities are subject to change

Please note there is currently a waitlist for the KidsWish Saturday Club Program. 

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